"Black is like the silence of the body after death, the close of life" (Wassily Kandinsky, 1911)
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man in black...

black jack...




black hole...

black magic...


fashion colour...

black :
Colour of darkness, mourning, mystery
black :
frightening, full of secrets
black :
colour of the gothic scene (together with purple)
It had been found out that black bridges attract suicides, therefore the Golden Gate Bridge was painted in shining red
black :
negative things, prohibited things (black raven, black market, black magic)
> whereas: the chimneysweep brings happiness
black :
dignity, reputation, solemnity
black :
colour of the conservative, but as well of individuality and marking off (groups, who like to see themselves beyond the masses, prefer black, colour of the expensive)
black :
clever simplicity, determines the look in big cities, is trendy (suits, black dresses, business)
black-white :
colour-combination which seems to be respectable and which we associate even with truth, they are the colours of objective facts


to the black pictures >